Goodness, do I even remember how to blog? My last post was September (obviously you know that...) but I've been so busy! Since September, I've switched jobs, had my first spin on the highway into the ditch, started training for my first half marathon (!!!), celebrated some birthdays, and we got some work done on the house.

It's so nice finally having a house to call our own, that I can decorate however I please. Money's been tight, so the dollar store has been my go-to place for decorations. I got into the Fall spirit, as any blogger does, and loaded our place up with pumpkins and had some harvest spice melts going on our warmer for the last 2 months. I did some fun foot painting with our nephews and niece, and they turned out really well! They're supposed to read "Trick or treat, small [name]'s feet." It's nice having their footprints while they're still so young. We don't have any kiddos of our own to make those memories yet, but we can focus on just being a really cool Aunt and Uncle for now.

As you can tell by our Halloween costumes, we really love each other. I was originally planning to be a butterfly (as I was for work, complete with my sequin black blazer), but Rob came across this Cards Against Humanity costume on the internet and finally agreed to do a couples costume with me. It was a simple last minute DIY of poster board, chalk pen, and some yarn/twine. I was in the middle of my 4th round of Whole30 and may or may not have gave in that night to the spinach dip. Oops.
We finally got some pictures done!! Rob's sister is a photographer (Treasured Forever Photography) and her business has grown SO much this past year, and I was glad she could fit us in. She did such a wonderful job, and we had some decent timing. The leaves were almost all gone and the snow was definitely on it's way! She sent me a photo to use for our "new home/address" cards...which are still sitting on our kitchen counter, waiting for stamps. It's only been a year, what's another month? Haha! Also, Rob loves me. He doesn't love getting his picture taken though. Hence his expressions in said photos ;)
Rob started his 2nd year schooling for his electrician apprenticeship in October, and he has since completed it. Work doesn't want him back until after the new year, so he's had some time to do some work on the house over the past couple weeks. We finally painted the side entrance and are now just waiting for a steady income again before we decide on some new tile and getting the stairs done. Rob's been working on the baseboards too, and the living room already looks nicer with them on! Our floor is apparently terribly uneven, so there's more work to do. We have a few projects to finish up before his parents come out in April and I can't wait to have it all done.
The biggest change since September has been me switching school divisions. I definitely miss the old school, students, and staff, but I don't miss the 45 minute commute. I switched to our own town's school division and I'm finding the 10 minute walk a lot better on my self care, and our bank account. No more filling up the gas tank twice a week and I have an extra 2 hours in my day to fit in my exercising...and FarmVille, ha.Things are definitely working out, and I don't regret the switch at all!
Well, that's it for today. I'll be sure to update on my fitness journey and Whole30, along with whats going on this month. I really want to get back in to blogging, it's one of my resolutions for the new year...along with continuing my healthier lifestyle, but I'll be sure to share my list of goals for the new year :)
What have you been up to? I really need to catch up, so link me to your posts or just let me know in the comments!!
xo. Nicole