Hey guys! The October Package Swap is almost over! We're all slowly receiving our packages and I am just too excited to see all of the posts showing what they got! I got mine a week or two ago and I am still in love.
So this is the official call for the November Package Swap!
Send me an email at nicole.franson1@gmail.com, tweet me @nicloemax, or simply comment on this post! If you'd like to participate, please respond before November 2, 2012!

What IS a package swap?
Basically, some bloggers agree to join and they send packages to each other. I throw everyone's name in to a basket and randomly pick out who is sending to whom. You can see the reaping process here! It's such a wonderful feeling to receive snail mail (especially a package!) and then open it all up and see your fellow blogger put in so much effort and tailor each item to your personality (based on what you've shown/told on your blog, of course)!
I'll make sure to do a follow up post from the October Swap with all the links to what everyone got!
xo. Nicole