I hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends over the holidays! Our Christmas 'season' was spread over 4 days, and it's all done now. That's right, 1 night of appetizers and 3 nights in a row of turkey, turkey, turkey! Next year, I think it's going to look different as we'll finally have our own place and can host a dinner. Maybe ham? ;) I'm still hanging around, but blogging has not been on my priority list for December. I came down with a pretty nasty cold, and all my energy was used for work and for buying/wrapping gifts, baking, and just general every day life. January looks like it's going to be a lot slower, so I'm looking forward to that!

Rob and I both have 2 weeks off for the holidays (not by choice). I work in a school, and his company just shuts down over the holidays. It's a little stressful financially, but we also aren't spending a ton of money on groceries for lunches, and the excess gas usage that comes from driving 40km+ each day, each. The first thing on Rob's agenda on his first day off was obviously a nap. Gunner always likes to join us, he's even the big spoon most of the time ;)

I tried to make all the gifts look pretty, even though I know it just gets ripped to shreds anyways. I loved using Kraft paper with twine and stickers from Thatch & Thistle. I got the scales/scalloped and polka dot paper from Michael's in their $7 bin! It was a great find - many compliments on how pretty it is/was. I was in charge of dessert for 2/3 dinners, and I ruined dinner #1's dessert. I overloaded my arms with gifts, my purse, and the cookies pictured above. To put it all in the car, I put the cookies on the roof and put everything else on the back seats. Well, I forgot the cookies on top of the car and we didn't figure it out until after our 1 hour drive to my sister's...and there were no cookies.

Our first dinner was at my sister's. My nephews LOVE Rob and always ask where he is when I head over there by myself. Rob definitely 'paid' for not being there at other times and got sat on by my youngest nephew, haha! We finished dinner and watched The Lego Movie before heading back home. It was SO nice to have my grandma and grandpa there this year. It made dinner like, 10x better! I made a gluten free apple pie for Rob and his sister for our 3rd dinner. It wasn't touched, so now it's sitting on our counter at home for my dad to eat.

I tried bringing cookies to our 3rd dinner, and it worked out. Cookies went in the car and on to the counter - no leaving them on top of the car this time ;) Gunner has been loving having us home all day (except those 4 days in a row we were gone from 1pm-11pm) and is getting in to mischief with this extra energy/being awake more. I'm pretty sure he just sleeps when we're at work, so now all he wants to do is play and bring us our dirty socks.
How were your holidays?
xo. Nicole