Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Guest Post - Samantha

Hey guys! Today, I'm featuring one of my sponsors, Samantha. She was my first ad swap and since then, I've become a regular reader of her blog and I'm never disappointed. I love her Instagram Style posts and her recipes! I'll let Samantha introduce herself :)

Hey there! My name is Sam and I blog over at 
I write about all of my “latest obsessions” most of which fit into the categories of crafts, clothes, and life tid bits. Today, however,  I’m going to share with you one of my hugest obsessions. His name is Brandon and he is my lover / fiancé /baby daddy. Brandon and I met yeeeeeears ago during high school in our theatre program. It was our junior year of high school during the production of My Fair Lady when we started “talking” backstage. 
After just a few short weeks, we became absolutely inseparable. Brandon and I would spend as much time as we could together (after school of course), until about the 5th call from Brandon’s mother telling him to come home now!  And then times we couldn’t be together, we would constantly be on our phones, texting one another.
It was 24/7 communication. Oh, to be a teenager in love. Eventually though, the school year ended and summer began which meant we could now spend ALL day, EVERY day with each other. And I don’t think it ever got old. During that summer, we got extremely spoiled with our ability to see each other. Really. When it was time to go back to school, it was… rough. But in a way, it made the time we did see each other, much more meaningful. So we got back in the groove of going to school and then before we knew it, I got pregnant! This was a huge deal… well obviously. We were both completely in shock and didn’t quite know what to do or where it would lead us. 
But we were always in it together, separating was never a thought. So, neither was giving up our baby. We made it all the way through high school and had our daughter a month after graduation. Fast forward 3 years and we are living on our own in our very own apartment, making memories and creating a life as a little family. But it wasn’t always this way. We started out living with my dad. We went to school and got jobs. Everything was going ok but then we started to get a bit restless. And then Brandon proposed!!! This kind of kick started our life and got us back on track. We started thinking of the future and got the idea that we needed to move out! Soo, despite some disapproval on my dad’s part, we found an apartment 15 minutes away. We have lived here now for almost 2 years and are thoroughly enjoying being on our own. 
We struggle a lot. Balancing school, work, and a little one is not for the week of heart.  And it’s not so easy supporting ourselves but it’s made us appreciate all the little things in life! Having a place to call our own is worth every single hour worked and bill paid. We are now, thriving as a family. And through all the fights, the stress, the let downs, Brandon and I are still a team, plowing through life, hand in hand. 
We've grown so much as individuals, it’s cool to look back and be proud of all of our accomplishments. It’s great to think about all the obstacles we faced and overcame. But the best part is, is that we did it together. Brandon and I.  I absolutely love my life and a lot of that, I owe to Brandon; it wouldn't be the same without him in it. He is my number one partner in crime… but most importantly, my partner in life.

Thank you Sam for sharing such a wonderful story. I am so happy that things have worked out for her, Brandon, and Eliza. Eliza is such a lucky little girl to have such a loving family!

xo. Nicole

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