My little space on the internet is slowly growing, and I couldn't be more thankful. I love sharing my life, and this is a great outlet for me! I came across Laura Jean's post, and decided to recap my thoughts on some of my own blog's posts.

Favorite Post to Write || I would have to say it's those What's in my Bag ones. They're so much fun to write and take pictures for, and to read! I'm totally snoopy and it's fun to see the difference between what I carry, and what you carry around.
Most Frustrating Photo Shoot || My collections post. It was pretty difficult to get decent shots of all the polish while there was daylight. I really couldn't decide what order the colours should go in, and how to get all of them in one shot...ugh!
Post I'm Most Proud Of || My Fitness Journey v.01. Goodness, I am so glad that I got it out there. It took me forever to write, and to also get the courage to finally hit publish. It sat in my drafts for almost 2 months before I told myself to just deal with the anxiety. It's also doubled as motivation to get myself outside and to put down the bacon ;)
Popular Post I Didn't Think Would Be a Big Deal || How to make a headphone case. I didn't take measurements, and I made a small mistake by sewing the button on at the wrong time...but so many people have viewed it!
Post I was Expecting to Take Off That Didn't || Alright, so I know now that all of my old posts say "A Broke Bride" in them, but that's a lot of work to go through each and every post to switch it to "a la Maxfield", yeah? Honestly, I was expecting my Ad Swap post to take off a bit more, as it's essentially free sponsorship for up and coming blogs, or bigger blogs. I always take advantage of an ad swap when I see one (as I really have no funds
The Closest Pinterest Famous I Have Ever Gotten || Totally this DIY. I always got notifications that so-and-so has repinned it.
Quickest Post I've Ever Written || Always the Week's End posts. I always have the pictures and links ready to go, and they're fun to write too.
Weirdest Search Term to Find My Blog || vampire stat? Apparently it's a website, too. There's nothing on my blog about vampires, so that's a little confusing.
I'd love to see what your answers would be! Let me know in the comments, or share the link in the comments if you do the post questions, too!
xo. Nicole
I'd love to see what your answers would be! Let me know in the comments, or share the link in the comments if you do the post questions, too!
xo. Nicole
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