I swear that she just gets cuter and cuter every time I post one of these updates! Also, why can't I back date these so that it seems like I have my life together and posting these updates on time. Going strong on the 2 week late update ;)
As of September 21st (6 month vaccinations!),
Weight: 18.4 lbs (75 percentile)
Height: 65 cm (35 percentile)
- We took our first vacation to Glasgow, Scotland and she was actually a pretty good little traveler! She slept for most of the 3 plane rides there, but it was a little more rough on the 3 plane rides home.
- Abby is full on crawling now! She's slow, but she does know how to disappear quickly when I turn away for a minute.
- On that note, separation anxiety has kicked in. She wants Rob, but usually screams and cries when I leave the room. She's hard at making decisions, just like me, haha.
- The same day that she started crawling, she started pulling herself up to stand on things. After a full 4 weeks of toppling over like a downed tree, she's finally getting the hang of slowly dropping to her bum to get herself down.
- Her screaming stopped, but it's back!
- We both got a head cold for the first time (for me since I was 15 weeks pregnant!) but we survived!
- She had a fun sleepover at my Aunty Kim's and apparently didn't sleep very well, but that's typical lately.
- From 10 hour nights to the occasional 6 hour stretch before waking up for a bottle and diaper change, but she'll generally go back down pretty easily.
- She's finally started to hold her own bottle! The Dr Browns bottles are a little harder for her to hold, but the Avent ones are easier.
- Abby tends to not like purees and prefers little pieces of food. Yesterday and today, she enjoyed a chicken and strained vegetable puree though, so who knows!
It was so nice going on our first family vacation and things went better than I was anticipating. I worried about money and about being in a different country all together with what's been going in the world. We're home, we're safe, and we had a great time. Next on my bucket list is the wizarding world of Harry Potter but Rob disagrees, haha.
As always, Abby's monthly photo is courtesy of Treasured Forever Photography!
xo. Nicole
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