Monday, March 30, 2015

Weeks End || March 29

1|| My Sunday was allll about cleaning and getting ready for my week, which happens to be spring break ;) My Grandma is coming over tomorrow (!!!), and Rob still has to work all week.
2|| Forced myself to go for a run. Felt so good! I woke up the other morning with a charley horse and it's finally feeling better, only 3 days later.
3|| We got our first bedroom set from IKEA! I swear we've spent every Saturday there since we moved in. Next weekend we're finally getting a mattress for it.
4|| My first day of spring break involved me laying on the couch with Gunner watching Teen Mom.
5|| Still loving this pink lip stain that I've had in my make up bag forever and never used. Whole30 has given me way more confidence than before.
6|| We went to a surprise birthday party for Rob's step brother and Rob held his new nephew. Ugh, my ovaries...
What did your week consist of? We were at IKEA again on Saturday to pick up some curtains and curtain rods and we put our marriage through the IKEA test trying to hang the rods up, haha! We had no problems with the bedroom set, but Rob couldn't find a stud around the window to drill the brackets in to for the curtains, and that got pretty frustrating. In the end, we got 3 rooms done.
I am so pumped to finally be on spring break! It's 11 days of doing whatever I want! 11 days of sleeping in while Rob goes to work, and 11 days of cuddling Gunner. My plan is to do a few minor things around the house, and then to get the guest bedroom ready and decorated for my in-laws, who come out in April for a week. Pinterest and I have a love/hate relationship though. I spend too much time on it and then don't end up getting any of my ideas done in time ;)

xo. Nicole

Monday, March 16, 2015

Weeks End || March 16


1|| Last Sunday was allll about snail mail. I sent about 5 cards out, though I still have some more to catch up on. 
2|| Gunner was snoozing beside me and I couldn't stop myself from taking a picture. I love it when he puts his snout between his paws!
3|| Sunshine!! Gunner looks like such a poser here, haha.
4|| I opened a window in the living room and the animals didn't know what to make of it. It's so nice here but I have so many things to do inside, that I jumped for joy when I realized it was nice enough to open a window.

*hahaha, 75% of this week's pictures involve Gunner. #sorrynotsorry

1|| I shared some of my important Whole30 essentials. My hope is that this post will help you get started if you've been thinking about it. (It's really easier than it looks!)
2|| I shared a Whole30 compliant side dish, aka Broccoli ;)

Yesterday, Rob and I went to West Edmonton Mall for some shopping as most of my pants are falling off (not good when part of your job involves running around). I bought the first pair of jeans that I tried on, and they're 2 sizes smaller than the pair I just threw away! Go me! 

How was your week?

xo. Nicole

Friday, March 13, 2015

Mmmm || Roasted Broccoli

K, I totally realize that I keep saying I won't just be posting Whole30 stuff, but I just want to keep sharing the yummy recipes and my victories! Today I'm sharing with you an exceptionally easy side for any meal of the day. It's totally my favourite!
All you'll need is:
  • Broccoli (however much you'll need for dinner, or for several meals. I usually fill the mixing bowl!)
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
  • Salt (or any seasoning of your choice)
Now, all you'll need to do is preheat your oven to 400*F then throw all your ingredients in a medium sized mixing bowl. Mix, mx, mix and then lay on a baking sheet.
Cook for roughly 10-15 minutes and then let cool for 2 minutes. It's such a tasty and filling side dish, you could even add slivered almonds if you wanted to make it fancy. It's completely Whole30 compliant/Paleo!
You can serve with any meal, and almost any food that that meal is made of. The two pictures above are two different kinds of broccoli and both served with apple pork chops (2 different styles, too)! I hope you enjoy!

xo. Nicole

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Whole30 Essentials

After posting a status update on Facebook about how from the period of January 2 to March 2, I've lost 20 lbs (!!!), I'm always being asked by random people, friends, and family, how to get started on Whole30. I HIGHLY suggest reading the book, It Starts With Food. It explains everything about why we don't eat legumes, and why you cut off the fat from the meat if you don't buy organic, etc.. I have a lot to post and share with you on the subject, but right now I'll share what I always keep on hand at home!
Ah, meat and protein. It's essential because it keeps you full and energized until your next meal! There's a lot of debate going on about pork. They say it's one of the dirtiest meats and to only buy organic if you do want to eat it. Seriously, easier said than done. I haven't eaten, nor purchased, any organic/grass-fed meat during my entire experience on Whole30. I'm sure I would feel a little better without the extra toxins and whatnot, but so far this is working for me and our budget.

Eggs are a must, unless of course you're allergic. There's plenty of eggless breakfast recipes, but I prefer my eggs. I usually fry two up (yolk cracked..I hate runny yolk!) in some EVOO + garlic powder, then plop them on a plate of spinach. It's a filling and tasty breakfast!
I cut up a banana with almost every meal and if not, then I add some berries. Sometimes I'm just not hungry enough for fruit (which is the last thing I eat). Almost all the vegetables are so delicious when you toss them in the oven. My signature side is a vegetable all chopped up, EVOO, and some salt or garlic powder. So, so delicious. Part of Whole30 is also trying new vegetables. I had never had spaghetti squash before and I'll never give it up! I forgot to add yams to my veggie list - add it :)
If you're following my social media accounts, you'll often see me mention that I've added EVOO in to my meal, and now you know what it is! It's pretty much 100% an essential in my cooking. I used to use cooking spray or butter in the frying pan, but now I only use EVOO. There's something called Ghee but I haven't been able to find one that is at a decent price. I'd rather sample it before spending that much on a tiny jar. Oh, also, add cinnamon to this list!!
The above Extras are totally what get me through. The salsa is amazing on eggs or on some vegetables. I use the almond butter after I workout with a banana or an apple, sometimes even with a sprinkle of cinnamon. I broke down this week (Day 20 of round 2) and purchased some almonds and pitted dates to make some home made LaraBars! They're a great emergency food, but per the Whole30 guidelines, are not to be a snack or a meal substitute.

I hope my lists help you on your journey! You'll figure out what works for you and what doesn't. For me, white potatoes make me crash too hard so I opt for yams. Things like that are just part of the journey!

xo. Nicole

Monday, March 9, 2015

Week's End || March 9

1|| Those are Gunner's "cuddle?" eyes, haha! Even as I type this, I'm getting the eyes.
2|| I found some tea in one of our unpacked boxes (which is now unpacked) and it's Whole30 compliant! I've been drinking it every night before bed to help my stomach do what it needs to do. I have some rough days and some amazing days on Whole30.
3|| Never enough bananas. I swear I eat more than the store can stock, I love them!
4|| I'm finding some new confidence in myself, so I rocked some pink/red lip stain to work and I can't get enough. For the first time in a while, my hair was down too.
5|| Spruce Grove has a Welcome Wagon! We received a map, coupons, and some free goodies from the city. It was a bit overwhelming, but totally worth it! The lady who came by was super nice and laid back, it was fun :)
6|| The weather here has been crazy, and since Thursday it's been above 0*C! I've taken Gunner for some walks every day since and we explored the walking trails around our new home. They're pretty nice and people are so friendly here.
7|| It's been a long time since I've posted a full-body selfie. Think it's that confidence knocking at my door? Probably.
8|| Gunner. Oh, Gunner. #Sunday.

1|| I shared a yummy breakfast recipe that's Whole30 compliant! 
2|| Part 4 of My Fitness Journey was talking about my experience with Whole30.

I realize that since I've jumped back in to blogging, it's been all about Whole30. I swear my blog won't just be about that! It's just really changed my life and right now it's one of the top things on my mind. I've since added exercise in to my routine and I'm really noticing a difference too. I hope to post more MFJ posts because it helps people. It could help you! I know something just clicked in my head to finally get me off my butt and start making my meals instead of ordering them, and I hope one of my posts about my journey is that 'click' in your head if you need it, ya know?!

xo. Nicole

Friday, March 6, 2015

MFJ v.04 || Whole30

If you follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest, you'll have seen and read that I'm participating in the Whole30 challenge. During the holidays, a few pictures were taken (ugh family photos) and I really just realized that my relationship with food needs to stop. It needs to go from unhealthy to healthy. I'm tired of how I look and feel all the time. I want more energy during the day, I don't want my brain to be so foggy...
I'm sure at one point you've come across the Whole30 challenge, and if you haven't I encourage you to check out the website! The 30 day challenge is essentially a nutritional reset for your body. For many, many people it's curbed unhealthy food cravings, cleared their skin, brought their energy up, and many have even lost weight. I'm not just doing this to lose weight, but to improve myself. 
I owed it to myself to complete a full round, and I did just that! My mood has significantly improved, my energy levels are up (except when I forget to drink water), and as of March 2, 2015, I'm down 20 pounds! I have my two sisters texting and messaging me asking for help and what I did and blah blah, because they want to try it now!
It's way easier than you think. My anxiety was up before I officially started, for fear of finding myself absolutely starving and having nothing to eat. Boy, was I wrong! Just remember the template of a crap ton of veggies, a palm or two of protein, a thumb of healthy fats (like extra virgin olive oil), and maybe some fruit if you're still hungry. When in doubt, put more vegetables on your plate, but if you're starving between meals, it means you didn't have enough protein or fats for YOUR body. The template can only go so far.
I had a 2 week hiatus from Whole30 while we moved in to our home and I definitely felt the effects of not eating the way a person should. I kinda went crazy with the take-out and crappy food. I am NOT making that mistake again! One big thing I noticed though, is that while eating terrible, I was more hungry more often. So I started my second round on February 16, and I was more hungry more often for the first couple days and then it got better, I'm eating less during the day, and sometimes I'm not even hungry and have to force myself to eat dinner.

The point of Whole30 is to be a nutritional reset. It is not a weight less system! Many people have the benefit of weight loss, but it's only an added bonus. I'm continuing to eat Whole30 compliant and will move on to Paleo after March 17, because I love how I feel. My biggest success is getting rid of my negative body image and feelings, and finally being confident about how I feel and look. I even rocked some pink/red lipstick this week for the first time EVER! Now I want to buy all the lipstick! hahaha!

Next week, I'm sharing my Whole30 essentials and other NSV (non-scale victories)! While I do have more time for blogging, I'm also using up my free time to cook and to unwind from the day so my posting won't be every day, but hopefully 2-3 posts a week.

xo. Nicole

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mmmm, mornings

Since completing a whole round of #Whole30 (seriously, I DO have a post coming up all about my experience..), breakfast has easily become my favourite meal of the day. The mornings are also one of my favourite times of the day. Up until this week though, I've spent my morning getting ready for work and putting effort in to fry up some eggs, throw them on spinach, and cut up a banana. 
I used to love it when my mornings were low-key. I would skip breakfast entirely (ha, totally never doing that again), sip on a cup of coffee, and browse some of your lovely blogs. It got me going for the day and I've noticed that I've really been needing that again.
I decided on Sunday to finally just do some serious meal prep so that I can do just that. I came across a recipe for some Paleo Quiche, or breakfast casserole, in the Facebook support group for those doing Whole30, called CleanWhole30. Laura shared her recipe on her Instagram and in the group's recipe files. Sold!
I used a yam instead of a white potato because I noticed that I crash too hard otherwise. I also used some Country Naturals Gluten Free pork hot dogs (not pictured there) as the breakfast meat. I also may or may not have missed the onion while chopping and went right for my finger :( I has just painted my nails, too. 
After it was done baking, I let it cool then cut it in to 6 large pieces. I put them all in a container, so now I have 6 breakfasts waiting for me in my fridge. Serve it up with some veggies and/or fruit and you're good to go!

I really hope you get to try this, it's suuuper tasty and even easier to make :)

xo. Nicole

Monday, March 2, 2015

Week's End || March 2

1|| I'll admit it, we have mice. It's been terrible trying to find them and they won't go for the traps! I've been having some peppermint tea at night and leaving the tea bag in the sink because I heard mice don't like peppermint, haha! The last place I saw the mouse was in the dishwasher (ugh, I know) and now Koshka keeps going half under our cupboards by the dishwasher...I think she hears it. 
2|| Since moving in to our own place and both animals having free reign of the house, Koshka and Gunner are becoming better friends. Gunner doesn't jump on her as much and I catch Koshka rubbing her face and body all over Gunner's snout, lol. Weirdos.
3|| I started Whole30 round 2 and I'm loving it! I have a post coming up all about my experience and victories from the first round, and why I'm doing a second round. My breakfasts are my favourite!
4|| A Whole30 dinner :) Chicken, mushrooms, bell peppers, and asparagus. Mmmm, so good.

1|| Bahahaha, basically nothing...except an update on our first month living in our first home! 

I'm back at it! Maybe not full force in to blogging again, but I'm trying...! I've missed writing and sharing the Week's End posts, and linking up with Beth. So much has changed in the blogging world and I'm looking forward to experiencing it all again.

xo. Nicole