1|| My Sunday was allll about cleaning and getting ready for my week, which happens to be spring break ;) My Grandma is coming over tomorrow (!!!), and Rob still has to work all week.
2|| Forced myself to go for a run. Felt so good! I woke up the other morning with a charley horse and it's finally feeling better, only 3 days later.
3|| We got our first bedroom set from IKEA! I swear we've spent every Saturday there since we moved in. Next weekend we're finally getting a mattress for it.
4|| My first day of spring break involved me laying on the couch with Gunner watching Teen Mom.
5|| Still loving this pink lip stain that I've had in my make up bag forever and never used. Whole30 has given me way more confidence than before.
6|| We went to a surprise birthday party for Rob's step brother and Rob held his new nephew. Ugh, my ovaries...

What did your week consist of? We were at IKEA again on Saturday to pick up some curtains and curtain rods and we put our marriage through the IKEA test trying to hang the rods up, haha! We had no problems with the bedroom set, but Rob couldn't find a stud around the window to drill the brackets in to for the curtains, and that got pretty frustrating. In the end, we got 3 rooms done.

xo. Nicole