I've mentioned how much I love Fall (as have many, many bloggers) on here a couple times, but I seriously just can't get enough. Sometimes, pies are baked while babysitting our nephews and niece. I really wanted to make a gluten free pie so that I could perfect the crust, and so Rob and his sister could eat some, but apparently it wasn't in the cards for me this weekend.

I'm not sure if regular pie filling is void of gluten, but I found a yummy apple recipe that used corn starch instead of flour. I cheated and bought the pre made pie shells though, so it wasn't completely from scratch. Shhh, don't tell anyone.

Our nephews picked some granny smith apples from a neighbour's tree down the road, and I think it adds a homey-Fall touch to the pie. Home made pie filling, with home grown apples. What could be better?
I'm still trying to work on a gluten free pie crust, but I didn't really have the time or patience at the time to try it out. Perhaps next week!
xo. Nicole
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