Saturday, April 6, 2013

Cloud 9 Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Since R (the fiance) can't eat Gluten anymore, we've been looking for alternatives for him to eat. It's not all about going to buy the specifically Gluten Free baked goods or bread, it's more about changing our eating habits. Instead of buns and such for dinner, we'll have salad and some meat. It's a healthier lifestyle but it's pretty hard to get used to. I've decided to make the change as well because when we have children, they probably won't be able to eat Gluten either. It's just easier to make it a Gluten Free household so it's fair and less chance of cross contamination.
That being said, a treat once in a while isn't so bad, just like everyone who CAN eat Gluten. R heard about a store in downtown New Westminster called Cloud 9 and it's supposed to be really good. He went down there one day and picked up this Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie mix! I gave it a go today.
They smelled SO good and they taste the same. They're sooo chewy :) We're definitely going to be buying this mix again. I was hoping to find a recipe for GF cookies from scratch, though. 
Have you made anything Gluten Free lately?

xo. Nicole

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